We just back from our 4th trip to TTR and have never had an issue before but this time around both my wife and I (along with some of our friends) got sick. Just wondering if anyone else noticed a higher than normal percentage feeling ill? (And no, it wasn't a high amount of alcohol - Mrs. team is not a big drinker)
There was a few in April too. Its hard to get an accurate account , cause if 10 people come on hear and say they were ill,, it will sound like a resort wide outbreak, when in fact, its a small percentage of the resorts guests, and most of those will be from over indulgence and sun stroke. Not saying you wern't sick/food poisoned or something else,, just saying social media will make it appear like a plague when its normal #,s. At the same time e.its good info to share Hope the rest of your trip was good
Traverlers Flu I get montezumas revenge, also called travelers flu, every time I go to Mexico. I don't think it is a resort issue, but my immune system adjusting to new germs. I take Treda, which I think is similar to Cipro, and within a day or so I am back. This year I plan to take probiotic two weeks prior to us leaving. I heard that helps. Sorry you got sick.
Let's do a little forensic investigation shall we? You started at your house. Did you take a cab or limo? If so you were subjected to germs and bacteria of the driver and all the passengers before you. You arrive at the airport, a seething mass of humanity and all their associated germs and bacteria await you. If you used a washroom there was even more. You were crammed into a metal tube with a bunch of germ/bacteria factories plus the previous passengers. You arrive at another airport and take more transportation, more icky grublies. You finally arrive at TTR where another 3-5 hundred guest, past guests, staff await with their own special mix of bacteria and germs. Once in your room it takes about 8 hours for your own brand of bacteria to take over, meaning that a war is waged for several hours. Now you go out and eat food you're not used to, drink water you're not used to and touch a variety of surfaces. Unless your immune system is perfect by this time it's working overtime to fight whatever you picked up during the journey. I'm not suggesting you didn't contract something at the resort but it's pretty tough to narrow it down really. As Donald says, 10 people posting is an epidemic, look what the media did with the Ebola outbreak. I'd be surprised if 5% of TTR isn't sick at any one time. Now I need to go shower.
The first 2 weeks in May had a very high rate of illness. Lot's of people were talking about. It was mostly the trots but it was bad enough to keep some people in their rooms for a couple of days. We both had it and it was weird because it would come and go. The common thread was that nobody wanted to eat because that would trigger it off again. No matter the restaurant.
We always take heavy duty probiotics and immune boosters for a month before we go and we are usually okay. Not this trip, this trip was different. Of our friends, I would say that more than half of us were sick.
Sickness Just a thought.... We have a little problem but nothing that stops the fun. Some thoughts... Not used to drinking as much, especially the low quality of alcohol. You run your body down drinking and partying till all hours and get run down. The food is different than your body is used to, good or bad. Germs, different people from around the world. The suggestions above are super! The old saying, an ounce of prevention, pound of cure! Prevent and have a blast!!
We brought a can of lysol and a bunch of antiseptic wipes this time and as soon as I got in the room I sprayed and wiped everything we might touch, including the rods for opening the shades, drawer handles, TV remote, phone etc. We did this a few times over the course of the 10 days and didn't get sick. April 2014 I was quite sick with what I think was the flu and while it didn't ruin the vacation it definitely put a damper on some activities.
Last year in May a LOT of us got really sick.. This year thank goodness no illness, we both felt great besides some sinus pressure..