DO NOT use the ATM in the gift shop at the hotel. My own rule of thumb is not to use any independent ATM's. Use only those associated with a major bank. There are plenty accessible via a short bus ride to various shopping malls. We use the ones at Flamingo Mall and Kukulcan Mall most frequently. I'm sure that others will know of ones that are trustworthy and possibly closer to the resort though. Enjoy your holiday!
Great advise, thanks for sharing. We follow the same rules: major banks only Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think it is better to wait until you get to the resort for the ATM. The airport is pretty hot, and after a day of traveling it doesn't seem smart. Probably better to wait until you have had a few drinks and have freshened up.
There was a major bank ATM outside of the small convenience store just on the edge of the resort property. Didn't check this last time to see if it was still there but I imagine it is...