Peter and mary (jemna) July 4 to July 14 Second time in Temptation this year and still counting. Looking forward to meet new friends. Will arrive on July 4th at 6AM and leave on July 14th at 3PM
Can't wait to get to the sexy pool 9th till the 23rd it really can't get here soon enough. :uk1: :beer4:
Keith and Dianna July 10 - 17. We are super excited just booked our second trip to TTR. Can't wait to party with all our soon to be friends. Let the crazy times begin. :headbanger::flash::lotsofmichaelfs:
Yay!!! More Nakify July Peeps!!! Who's ready for some shenanigans?!? :flash::daveandmo::bootyshake: We are Ginger and Eric. July 10-19th. Can't wait to meet ya!! :aktion033: