Not a hater, just sometimes it is simply not a good view! It is always in good fun and the participation and enthusiasm is excellent. It is much like the Borat suit. Funny as hell that someone would do it, funny as hell when you first see it, but generally extremely unattractive on 98% of body types (ie the ones that will wear it)!! LOL
There are a lot of other things that others may consider un-attractive , but TTR is all about letting loose and have fun and not judging others,, be it Women or Guys.
Again too sensitive and assuming my comment was judgmental. Just a fact that it is generally not attractive in my opinion. And again, the spirit is awesome of those that do and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and I never said anyone should not do it. But people can certainly have the opinion they do not prefer the look. It may also be a partly U.S. thing, too. My wife thinks I have cute buns but she does not want to see me or any other guy in a thong. Again, not judgmental, just a preference. You are absolutely right about the fact the spirit of TTR is all about cutting loose, having fun and not judging others. When I see ladies dressing up and hitting the events, size does not matter, the fact that they are doing it, enjoying it and owning it is cool as hell. Confidence is sexy and having the support of everyone else going for it makes for a great party. I was just originally making an off hand comment about how some of the looks were, please do not always take remarks as a put down or judgmental. Nothing could be further from the truth. Guys can wear fishnet panties as far as I care. Have a great weekend Donald. I will be at TTR Saturday!!!
Saturday,,,,, supper jealous hear. Have fun BTW,, it is a US thing , I just came back from a honeymoon in Dominican rep, and don't think I saw i pair of board shorts , was all square cuts and thongs. They have a larger European crowd, . Enjoy your stay,, Party on
Thanks for the idea...was wondering what I was going to do this trip for lingerie night Not being sarcastic btw. Think I am starting to scare least I didn't think this one up, lol. I now have plausible deniability Scott