Stairs and ramps the resort goes up to a third level so you have base floor then 1st, then 2nd.... you will have a couple steps up and down going into the bar area from the rooms and different places throughout.
Thanks Raelynn! Appreciate the info! Steps scare me ... Especially drinking in heels ... LOL ... plus it doesn't help that I'm a klutz!
Oh girl me too. I once tore every ligament in my ankle just by pivoting around..... but there isn't too many. Into and out of the bars there is only like 2 or 3 the flights are about 9 or 10 I usually take the heals off walk up and down then put them back on.... be careful out by the pool it gets slippery when it is really wet... that is where I watch my step the most.
room # 1112 view... that is the Italian restaurant... picture in above post is what we saw when looking to the left when in the jacuzzi... far left side of the pic is the quiet pool.. yes we fit 4 in our jacuzzi... we just had to test it out... the girls were small we booked the cheapest room online then upgraded for $50 a night extra at the resort... in case anyone is researching that option. For the record, we would definitely upgrade to a jacuzzi room again... worth every penny for the fun it brings
What you need to be COMPLETELY AWARE of is this: Whether you are in heels or not, BE VERY CAREFUL WALKING ANYWHERE. The floors are very slippery, even when dry. Add someone dropping water as they walk from the pool and it gets worse. First trip I read the warnings, told my wife over and over. As bellhop is taking our bags to the room and we are following down the hall, my wife is behind me and sure enough I hear her fall. We had been at resort all of 10 minutes. Thankfully she kind of slid down the wall. When we are resort, my wife is ALWAYS on my arm as we walk the halls. A bad fall can ruin your trip and can be very expensive at the local hospital. They do not care about your insurance, They want your credit card. Lay towels down on floor at shower and at tub. Walk with balance in mind. Just an FYI, have not seen this warning in a while. Also, the regular rooms do not have bathtubs at all.
OMG! That is so funny about ur wife! I can totally relate and sadly I have been there and done that! Although I think I might have made it 30 minutes ... LOL
Yep, funny now, not funny at the time. My immediate thought when I heard the thud was: "I hope she is ok, and I hope she has not just eliminated her fun for the week". All worked out well.