Based on the number of days you'll be there, you're almost sure to have a Boobs Cruise in that time frame; maybe two. Steve gauges the number of CCC visitors to see what dates have enough guests to make it economically feasible. Seasickness is certainly no fun. But cats like Steve uses are smoother than a lot of other boats. We've been on a variety of boats with some pretty rough rides. The boobs cruises have all been among the smoothest rides we've experienced. Don't remember any being even remotely rough. The various meds discussed would certainly be a worthwhile preventative anyway. As far as being gay, no worries. The Boobs Cruise attracts fun, non judgmental people which you seem to be. I'm sure you'll have a great time. For most of us, the Boobs Cruise is the high point of a TTR trip.
Absolutely go! Get the medication suggested, look at the horizon while on the boat if needed, but by all means give it a try. You'll fit right in with all the other crazy, sea-going party lovers and you'll have a blast!
"transderm Scop" or Scopolamine. This is the little adhesive patch the doctor can prescribe for you. It does require a prescription but it works really well. Like all of these types of medicines, it does give you dry mouth and can make you drousy if you are very susceptible. You simply place the patch behind your ear. I forget which ear if you are gay or straight. LOL If you like to have fun, you will like the Boobs Cruise.
The meds work.........make sure you use a non-drowsy formula. The patches work if you can keep them on........the adhesives seems to breakdown with persperation. And BION.......... Beer actually helps. As far as worries at all.
Just wanted to add that not all trips will use the big boat. Steve only uses the big boat if a large amount of people have signed up that day's Cruise. (I believe it was at least 70 people). But it only takes a minimum of 25 people for a Cruise to run. So sometimes the smaller boat will go out. Also, Gay or Straight, Lifestyle or not everyone can have fun on this Cruise as long as you are open minded and not offended by possible full nudity (both men and women) and possible sexual acts being performed out in the open. No pressure to participate.
Thank u for all the comments guys. This is really helpful as i had no idea what meds i needed to try and get if we do go. Everyone raves about the Boobs Cruise and i know ateve & the team work bloody hard to make sure u all have a gr8 time so very very tempted to giving it a go. Like i said, the ONLY thing that puts me off is feeling god awful & not being able to get to shore!!
If your not keen on taking medication, you could try "sea bands", there just a simple wrist band with a pressure ball on the pulse, sold at travel shops and on cruise liners. They do work. My gut feeling is though that with such close proximity to the sea and all the fun happening around you, you won't even notice a wave (unless of course it's too rough). The motion is entirely different from that on a ferry or cruise ship. This might help.......
"1) How is it for someone who suffers with motion sickness? I was told that as the boat is bigger, you don't feel it as much hence doesnt affect you as bad." A: We took out the yacht with Midwestern this past trip, and I tell you that so that you can contact the "him" of that couple and find out what patch he was using, but he didn't get anything at all on the yacht when it rolled etc. The big Cat the BC uses now won't move even that much, so it'd be a great solution I think. "2) If we were to consider taking one, is there any medication I could take to help or stop the motion sickness?" A: ASame answer as above, look up Midwestern and ask "Kevin" what he used. "3) We're gay and My Wife and I arent in the Lifestyle, we have friends that are, and quite enjoy hanging our with LS and Non-LS couples alike, we do however like to have fun, and have gotten kinda wild in the Sexy Pool in previous years with friends we've made etc, so my question is...Is this cruise for us?" A: Absolutely it is for you, you'll have a blast. You'll probably have to do the usual letting guys know you "aren't intot hat" or however you do it, but as for fun, you betcha!
I have had sea sickness and do not wish it upon my worst enemy. I use Dramamine, but the key is to get it into your system a couple of days before. It doesn't work too well if you just take it the day of. 48 hours before, start taking even 1/2 a pill......It will make you drowsy, but it is worth it to experience the Boobs Cruise for sure.