I friggen HATE when Norma (or Luis on red-eye flights home) does that. Always look away, during the snipping, so as to avoid sudden fainting
I'm excited for the Roll Call. See all the fabulous people who will cross over with us for their trips! See also if there are any other people coming from the UK? :flaguk: I know I keep saying it but i'm SO excited for this trip! I know it sounds weird but it's taken us 2 trips (as first was our honeymoon and 2nd we werent as wild as we went with our friends!) to really get into it and know whats what, so we're coming in October and feel, kinda like we know whats what, and we want to make the most of this trip as we're planning on starting a fmily next year so this is like a final blow out for a few years until kiddies are old enough to stay with grandparents etc! So we're really gonna party this year, hard!! Who's gonna help us?! :cheerleaders::aktion033::bunny:
Well I wouldnt expect anything less from you guys! What with the small amount of time we did spend with you in previous June trips, you guys are a ball! :aktion033: