What is the % of men that dress up for the various theme nights? Most interested in knowing for BDSM and Cowboy/indian nights.
I (Andrew) always try to participate in as many nights as is feasible. I usually prepare for all of them, and then hit 75% or so...mitigating circumstances!!!! :icon_mrgreen:
I (Tony) am planning on dressing up for all them too. However, I am thinking about bringing some plan B options......in case I am the only Indian!
We've been three times. From our experience, guys' participation is pretty low. Even women's participation will be a small percentage of the group. Not scientific, and I apologize in advance if this sparks the "10K-post club" into a lengthy debate, but we've found probably 25% of women and 10% of men participate. Obviously some nights are more popular than others ... at the end of the day do what makes you happy and don't sweat it. Only time I felt bad was a couple years ago there was CCC "pimp and ho" night ... one dude had gone full out pimp costume - hat, suit - think he was the person dressed up. But hey, who cares, right?
Yikes, that is low! Agreed, no debate needed, just wanted to know about June. Guess we will bring a full on participation outfit for each theme and a boring blend in outfit....then decide that night.
Last june it seemed to be a big participation of the themes...i know we took group pictures of some of the night themes and it was a large group and hard to get everyone in the pics.
June participation is very high. If i knew how to post a picture on this thread I would have shown one of the group pictures from last June. This group rocks.
We participate in almost every night unless its Boobs Cruise day...then it's iffy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk