We are so excited and eager to get there already, we just don't know what to do with ourselves! We are ready to relax, unwind, party, and.....um, well, you know! It's gonna be wild! :headbanger:
Hello!!! Jason and Christie here!! We will be with the large OKC group. First time trip to this resort with this crazy crew. Can't wait!!!!!!:aktion069:
Welcome Jason and Christie! You and all the other OK crowd be safe tonight and tomorrow. I saw the weather you're having out that way!
We are also planning a short dive trip from the resort on the 25th, if anyone is interested, and yes we plan on being back in time for the foam party! This!!!
We will be there the 22nd -26th for our 4th trip. Hope this trip out does our last 3! T minus 48 days.