Oh, I feel like the new phone books are our and we are listed in them. We made the list!! We are somebody now! Millions of people look at this book everyday! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity - our name in print - that makes people. We're in print! Things are going to start happening to us now. Sorry, this made me think of the Jerk and I couldn't resist quoting it. :icon_cool: But it's how we really feel!!!
37 days 5 mins till we get on the plane. waiting is getting harder and harder think i will start packing this weekend
:aktion069: Hey Ya'll! Welcome to the party. We're looking forward to meeting the two of you in June! In the meantime, cruise on over to the June Junkies fourth week thread to chat with some of the folks who will be there at the same time as you.
You are too you are tied for 20th with Vic and Brandy....and the rest of us...you're still in the game...
Thank You guys..... Not only new to Temptation, but we'll have to wonder around the forum and find our way also, we'll check out that thread! Thanks for the heads up on it!
I think putting the list up was genius play (now everybody wants to meet you and move up on the list). I know we have our list of people we want to meet. We will post it after our trip. Top 5 spots are still open so feel free to try and work your way to the top...