Did they change the rules for guys? Dress Code: Ladies, Sexy lingerie (mandatory for our Casino). Gentlemen in a trendy outfit. Maybe someone that was just there could shed some light on this?
It was mandatory for the guys to get into the casino, 1 guy just took off his jeans while waiting in line and after a few minutes he put them back on.
We were there in Dec and they didn't even make the men take their shirts off. Before it was underwear or boxers and no shirt.
Maybe they got tired of some of the totally Lame attempts some of the guys make at finding an outfit for lingerie night . Take your jeans off in line then put them back on again once inside WTF !!! ..... Holy imagination Batman !!!!... Get with the freakin' program here . The two times we have been there the rules were enforced no lingerie no entry guys and gals and that's the way it should be . But I guess it's understandable to a point ....it's not exactly a pretty picture when guys make no attempt at an outfit and all line up in their greyed out saggy ass ,stained tighty whiteys . Looks like a bunch of dirty old men lining up for a peep show lol ... What's the big deal the ladies dress up for you you should have the common decency and imagination to do something in the way of a sexy outfit for them .. Here's a novel idea ... Ask the lady in your life what she would like to see you in ??? Dollars to donuts she isn't going to say " oh honey you look so hot n sexy in your greyed out saggy , stained tighty whiteys and wife beater , oh yes let's get it on right now " !!!!!