Steve said to send all the naughty pictures to me via Pm. and I get to approve them before they get posted :typing:cwins::flash::angel1::angel1:
A couple of questions for Steve ,,,,,,,, Firstly , when you have one of the best jobs known to man where do you go on holiday and secondly when you crawl in from work and your wife or partner asks 'hows your day gone Steve , I bet youve had an awful day today ' can you look her in the face and say 'Yup ,,,, been a crock o shite'
Where do we go on holiday? Nottingham of course! Crawling in from work? My wife normally crawls in with me
Jannet and I have had to extend our trip to Houston, possibly by up to a week Some will know I have had some health problems that I've largely ignored for a long time and this trip is to try and resolve those. We aren't here to party. Without going into too much detail the problems are serious and need addressing immediately. We'll be missing the 5th May Boobs Cruise, but of course it will go ahead without us. We should be back in Cancun for the 9th May cruise. I'm not sure if I will make that one but it's likely Jannet will be there. During the next week I'll have a lot of appointments and limited Internet time so please keep messages and Pm's to a minimum. If it can wait a week please let it wait.
Take care Steve! Don't worry about the Boobs Cruise. The inmates will keep an eye on it for you! We'll be sure to have a drink or two in your honor during your absence.
Holiday's You need a release !!!. Look forward to seeing you an Jannet on 28th. Don't forget today's last day of the footy season or are you, like me , trying to forget it........:aktion069:
It's ok Steve... I've got this (he says from room 1231)! I am more than happy to see you getting some care. I am ready to be Chino's punchline on the 5th. I think I can speak for everyone on this board when i say get well. For you and your family.