As a lot of you know me or have saw my posts on here, you know I walk with a Cain. I have used a Cain since my accident in combat put me out of service. I have talked to MANY surgeons and Dr.s about getting my leg operated on so I can walk normal, dance again, and not have pain meds like oxy prescribed to me for the damn pain in my leg. It is starting to get unbearable! " and I don't like taking pain pills" the pain is starting to move near my knee, and no surgeon will operate because the abundance of nerves that are in the area of my injury, they all say that if operated on, it could cause loss of my entire leg feeling which equals a wheelchair.. I went to the Dr. Yesterday, and was given another option. He said they could amputate at the knee, and it would stop anymore muscle death in my leg. I was told that it would be like I had my normal function of my real leg after 2 or 3 months of physical therapy. He also said that the pain would go away and no more Cain. I talked to my blood family about it, now I just want to get opinions from my TTR family about it! I am worried people will look at me weird when I come to TTR, or steer clear of me because I would have a fake leg. I understand this is off topic here, but a lot of you are like my second family.. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but I need opinions. Feel free to say what you think. Thank you!! P.S. Either way I'm still coming for my Halloween trip AJ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like a hard question to answer and I am sure you have a lot to think about. But I'd go with the option that makes you most comfortable. And if you decide to go for the amputation no one will say anything bad. Just own it. Don't shy away from the injury. I've seen women at TTR for example who had been through mastectomies and went topless with no backlash whatsoever. If going through a surgery relieves your pain then I say go for it. Life is too short as it is.
Obviously only you and your doctor can make the medical decisions regarding the benefit/risk ratio on the procedure. Also only you and your doctor know the prognosis for the continued tissue loss/necrosis in the future. They may have told you that amputation is inevitable in the future. I have a friend who lost his lower leg in a cycle accident. It happened many, many years ago before the advancements they now have in prosthetics. They have prosthetics now that are specific to activities. In addition, they have prosthetics that are extremely life-like. He has one that you cannot tell unless you look real close. He wears with shorts and you just cannot tell. This would be just like a lot of the things all of us have. We each have something on the outside that we are self-conscious about. May be the extra pounds, the big ears, the receding/missing hairline, etc. It is the attitude and the personality that does it. As you have seen, if anyone does not give a shit, it is the TTR folks. n February there was a guy that had to drive one of those scooters. He was at PatyO's every night on the dance floor. Funny how drunk girls wanted to ride on his lap as he circled the dance floor. Make a good medical decision and then charge forward. As long as you are healthy and not in pain, the rest is all about attitude. Good luck on your decision!!
Thank you.. I just have to make a decision before the necrosis gets out of hand and above the knee. Not in pain is what I want to be! I also have a good outlook on life, and am a good guy, so I think I'll make the right decision. I just wanted other peoples input besides my parents. There divided on it BTW, guess who said "don't get it amputated" lol.. I'm just trying to keep happy either way.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks bro.. I'm kinda leaning in that direction because the pain gets so bad, and there would be no more muscle death in my leg. I appreciate your input Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look, I agree with both the comments above 100% and they have said what I would like have said (there abouts). What I would like to add is this, Yes people are going to take a second look, That's NOT because they are staring, its only to confirm they have seen correctly. 95% of people will be thinking "Wow fair play to you fella" unfortunately 5% are total Knobheads, and that's people for you!! How many times have we watched the Para Olympics for example and sat there in admiration for the courage, skill and determination of these guys. Personally I find it difficult to watch because I cry every time. Not because I feel sorry for them, far from it, its admiration. You go with what you want and what the doctor suggests, its clear your not rushing into it. Good Luck to you either way. BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE ;-)
You do seem to have you mind made up already, and are just trying to strengthen your position. Talking about it is good and will help you get through it , but you most make your own decision with your Doctors. That being said , make sure to get a prosthetic with a cup holder for your Bubba mug , cause you r going to need it at TTR where after being there a few times , you know it will not be a problem. :beer4: Best wishes in you travels
Thanks for your advice, I'm just confused, and scared.. I'm a man that don't mind saying I'm scared. But I will be proud of whatever happens, thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol.. I can always count on you for a laugh, even though my leg may be cut off. I'll know you can make me laugh my friend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are the one that has to live with this everyday and live with the pain. Obviously the decision you need to make is a huge decision but you need to do what is best for you and not what people think and your true friends will support you and stick by you. I made a similar decision with my mastectomy. It was a choice, not necessary But I did what was best for me and still happy I made that decision. But obviously mine can hidden to most people, except at TTR lol. This site is great because people are so open minded. Too bad the rest of the world isn't. Wishing you the best of luck in your decision and you know we will all be here to support you in whatever you decide.