Is there any reason not to combine this thread with the other one for May so we don't all have to scroll through two threads or miss missing something?
may 6th-14th me and my wife will be there may 6th-14th. so excited to be going back for our third trip. cant wait to see old friends and make new ones.
Hello all my May Mayhem Maniacs!!! :aktion047::aktion047::daveandmo::daveandmo: There is a new thread for U all!! :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy: Post on the new one! " Official Unofficial Mayhem Roll Call " !!! This way the Mayor can get everyone one in on the " BOOK "!! Thank U for your help!! :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger:
You might as well let your friends know that you won't be seeing them on vacation again unless they join you at TTR during one of your subsequent trips.
Check out the new roll call thread! " May 2015 Roll Call!! :aktion030::aktion030::aktion030: This way it helps the Mayor ! :icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink: We can all be on one thread rather then 2/3!! :icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen::icon_mrgreen: See U all at the Sexy Pool!!!