Let the chaos and panic commence!!! we live in the south and mold and mildew are common. Check your room thothroughly and take steps to solve the problem. It's not the end of the world....or the party. You could always just pass out in a chair by the pool and sleep outside. Then you already have a chair reserved. Two problems solved! BOOM!
I have come home with sore throat and chest congestion the last two trips. I don't feel bad, just very congested. I thought maybe it is just from lack of sleep and night air getting in and out of pool at 3 a.m. .. Certainly won't stop me from returning.. I may try Lysol next trip just to see if it helps! Paula
Hmmm, very interesting discussion. Sounds like a business opportunity for me as I am well versed in laboratory and research facility decontaminations. Maybe I should set up shop and offer my gaseous decons for the resort or patrons wanting a "clean" room. Each room would take anywhere from 3-6 hrs, maybe more and couldn't be entered during that process. I know they wouldn't allow this or pay for it, but it could be done and is done in the US and Europe all the time. My 2 cents!
Question then!!!! Are all the AC units in each room individual to that room.... Or do they ALL interlinked to one big flue which goes back to a cooling system???? If they are individual spraying Lysol (Dettol) into the Inlet may work, if its all one big system surely you are wasting your time. Anyone know????
I've always thought Mold was a over blown problem. Both of us being in the Military and deploying (Iraq and Afganistan) and having few problems whats really the risk in Mexico. With that said, last trip I (male half) lost my voiceand we both had cold like symptoms at one point or another. Our room was second floor 5000 block. I put it down to trying to talk (yell over the music) every night at paddy o's. This year I'm trying the Lysol and will let you know if there's any thing better.
Yes, they do have return air intakes in the ceiling and a register in the wall but they are still not interconnected with the other units.
All this hate on mold makes me sad. I know there are some people out there that probably need some Penicillin after vacation.