So, honestly, that's what it takes to get my husband on CCC - drama over the validity over a bikini contest votes!
Afrench12, its completely understandable for him to get excited over the voting. After all, being from Illinois you are used to people voting early, often, and having dead people vote. It's the Chicago way. I like this voting much more!
No....the sites do not cross over. You would have to post on FB for any pictures to show up over there. XOXOX Dawn
No, they are totally separate. The choice was given to post on both if you wanted to (but can win only one prize). Some did, most didn't. Pics posted on FB are not reposted here, and pics posted here are not reposted on Facebook. Unless the person submitted to both. Votes on FB are not counted here, and vice versa. The only difference is we have 3 prizes here and only one on FB, because there were more entries here.
Lol. Cracking up when I saw trav once a year post was on the bikini contest I am going to start a thread to try to get him fired up and on here again. Thinking something about a beer tax? Or a limit on how many entrees you can order at dinner?
Lol! Kyle! Yes! How about limiting the number of drinks on a Boobs Cruise to 25?!? LMAO! He would FLIP!