So inquiring minds want to know will this be purrr ....Hello kitty cat time again... or will the Big bad asssss Wild and stray CAT come out to play this time!! Just saying !! Lol... Nothing but love for ya girl!!
Hell! This forum is picking up momentum we need to post more lol. What are you all chatting about. We know it won't be sun, sex or alcohol. Politics or religion maybe? 26 days until we are home amongst friends xxx
In 16 days we will already have our first buzz on in the sexy pool. Wait a minute, maybe that should read "the beginning of our 11 days of hazy memories on". Yeah, that's probably more appropriate.
As awesome and fired up as the May group is, I'm disappointed that there's been no mention of Jim. Wtf happened to Jim the Chicken? If we need to organize a posse to break him out of some sleezy mexican jail so he can party with us I'm all in!
I may have to go on Amazon or something to find him (again). I think people want to see him more than me lol! I might have to consider getting bulk shipments!
hahahhaha i love you guys....and yes where the phuck is jim? Cant wait to take advantage of him again lol