OK based of Kelly's suggestion, the theme of the 12th cruise should be Sexy Safety Helmets. We are all going to need to them for protection from ourselves and fellow shipmates. I suggest the chinstrap to ensure it stays on while dancing, doing body shots, AIWC consumption, naked flips, and other things so crazy I don't even know about them yet
AHAHHAHAHHAHA THATS HILARIOUS.....Ill be sweet and give my helmut to keyshya.....someone just keep a new liver on ice for me pls xx
Confirmed list: Smickey (2) kimmy1849 (8) Run (aka Cpat.Morgan) & Jackie (2) Canadian Dos Equis Fan (1) Guido and Blondie (2) Titsmagee (2) LennnyAndSquiggy (2) nero (1) Gregnkeyshya (2) Eastershore Beach Bums (4) Nick and Kelli (10) Rangers1010 (4) knight rodder (1) Assholenwife (2) gottaski (2) redmuller(1) johnc (1) Dirtypair (2) Joel & Kari (2) Carole and Jazzy JJ (2) will n roz (2) ras51570 (2) Aaron & Becky (2) J&L Wisconsin (2) ScubaSteve and Elyse(2) JFMUGGS (4) Rlloyd8 (4) Northernlites66 (2) C&C (2) triple scots (2) Foreplay2day (2) WVDeb/Eric (2) Rickandjen (2) daveandterri (4) Ed-Laura (2) KevinKC (2) Bad Bernie and Giggles Bernie and Julie (2) 95 Standby You'll recall I accidentally went over the 95 maximum because I wasn't able to keep up with the flood of payments in such a short space of time. Officially we can only take 95 and I have 101 who paid before I could shut it down. Therefore the last two payments will need to be on standby. I'll hang on to the deposits, please show up on the day and you'll have first pick of any no shows. If everyone shows and I cant get you on then of course you will get a refund. If there are cancellations between now and the cruise date then you'll move up the list accordingly. Tony and Pat (4) Icecube88 & Brighteyes (2) 6 Waiting list Same will apply to the waiting list below, but dont send in a deposit. I'll let you know if any spots come up and also we will fill no shows in the order of the list, but only after the standby folks have got spaces. The waiting list is in order of requests received: Lexi (2) Jenandalbert (2) Hothertscpl (2) Bourbon Life (2) Ch&Li (2) Jennifer J (2) email 16/4 Calismilez (2) Kelly Cat (1) 15
Thank U!! But if i'm reading it correctly..we will need 6 persons to cancel or do a no show to get on the boat!! I'm hoping!!!
That's only 6% and that sounds like a very doable number. Find out who is on the boat and get them shot after shot on BCAD. They will never know what hit them. LOL Be positive!