Latest update done.. we're up to 627!!!!! Sorry for the delay in updates.. still traveling a lot for the company... only tow more trips before vacation.. but I get to go home tomorrow till Sunday. Damn I'm looking forward to this vacation!!!!!1 Jamie
Jamie, Thanks for all of your work on the roll call, Boobs Cruise list, etc. I think I can speak for all of us when I say you rock. When I'm not on the road and working from my home office I get to participate in CC a lot but then I go dark when I'm on the road. Although my trips are much shorter than yours I can understand how you feel. Fortunately, I am 100% responsible for setting my own schedule so I can make sure I'm at my desk on BC booking dates.
In 18 days we will be about to board our flight to paradise. And 8 hours later we will be at Temptation getting an early start on our first day. Can't wait!