And I'm taking some liberties with my costumes in order to combat heat stroke. I like to think of them as environmentally friendly. Also, the biggest part of Blondie's cop outfit is definitely the hat. I wonder they have the same one.
Ya I went with the cop costume too and the hat that came with the outfit was way too big, it practically went down over my eyes. So I guess that part is not happening.
Speaking of hats...Kevin do you still have the captain one? No big deal either way. Elyse already ordered another one. That thing does tend to make its way around.
As of yesterday, we are totally done with all preparations. Sexiness in a suitcase! Now it's just a matter of packing and waiting. Fifteen more work days and we are outta here!
Wanted to surprise you but yes I will be bringing you a new captain hat my friend. Looks like you will have a backup!