As many years as we have traveled to Mexico, this is the first year we really want to make sure we do something (if possible) to protect us from the dreaded "bathroom terrors". Last year, we ended up with the revenge a few days before our trip ended and a whole week after our return. Finally went to the Dr and got on some antibiotics to clear it up. I know it can be as simple as someone not washing your drink glass well enough to others around the resort that don't wash their hands well enough, but I want to hear others' "tricks" to preparing their bodies (insides) for Mexico. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bring your own bubba mug and only drink liquor. (Ok, bottled water too). Oh yeah, and wash your hands often.
Can also start taking probiotics before the trip. We did that last time and were fine. Also brought our own mugs.
We do daily probiotics and take dukoral a week before our trip. Remember that antibiotics also kill of the good stuff that makes your "gut healthy". You need to heal your gut after antibiotics. Your gut (digestive system not stomach" ) is the center of your health. After antibiotic use we take 80 Billion "critical care" probiotics by renew life to recover and then shift to a daily probiotic dose. Truly probiotics changed my (Brian) life a few years back & I am a strong advocate of gut health. Agree with all other preventative measures too.
Go get a prescription for Cipro (not sure if that spelling is right ) if you get Montezumas revenge ....take the Cipro BAM !!!!!! you will be good in a matter of hours .
Consuming probiotic supplements (or yogurt) 2-3 weeks before your trip should help. Another tip: Even when brushing your teeth, use bottled water.
Water at the resort is treated so brushing your teeth with bottled water will have no effect. If you drink beer off property be sure to wipe the bottle top before drinking, If they cooled it in ice then that ice may not have been treated and still on the bottle when you drink. Stay away from salads where they may have washed the ingredients in water before fixing. Also multiple days of drinking from sun up till you pass out at night for several days in a row will tear up your system.. and yes you practice over the weekends.. like two days in a row.. really doesn't prepare you for 8 or nine days non-stop. It's not always the water. Jamie
Thanks for the suggestions. We always bring our own mugs, matter of fact, Tony is convinced that when we went to get a refill one time and they washed it behind the bar is where we initially got "contaminated," but again, you never know. I thought about the probiotic, just wasn't sure which brand was best. We have traveled to Mexico and survived several years without this kind of thing happening, but after that episode last year, it certainly makes you think twice about how to avoid it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk