Despite my posts in this thread, the truth is that we would MUCH rather be at Temptation in February - among grown-ups acting like spring breakers - than in March among actual spring breakers. Like children, college party animals should be seen and not heard. And speaking of eye candy, anyone who has checked out the February Shit Show trip reports knows that we were very well served in that regard.
We are there year round and were there for a few nights in March. I can say for sure March is often a very different vibe. March this year for cancuncare folks was very quiet - many chose to go either Feb or April instead. There really aren't any real spring breakers at Temptation. Real spring breakers are 18 to 22, at University and have little to no money - they cant afford Temptation as a rule. The groups of guys that go during Spring Break tend to be mid to late twenties, early thirties, in jobs. They see a MTV Cancun Spring Break documentary with lots of 21 year old US girls getting wild, then discover a topless optional place in Cancun, put 2 and 2 together and make 5. Then once they arrive they find it's mostly couples who are older than they are, and it's not the target rich environment they thought it might be.
And that is usually a good enough reason for them to head to whatever bar is happening that night too.
Steve I agree. Maybe when the guys realized not many single gals available, they just decided to over consume. This year I will say we witnessed a much more aggressive male group behavior, pack like in many respects. More than one physical confrontation, and security seemed to be asleep during most. Some nights at PatyO's the ladies had work through the male groups gathered at the bar. My disappointment is with the management, I believe they failed to provide the safe environment that is needed for the gals to feel most comfortable in sexy outfits. Maybe some competition from a near by resort would remedy some of TTR's issues.
When I was Spring Break age at University I could barely afford my train fare home for Easter, let alone a foreign vacation. Then when I got home I'd work for 2 weeks from 8-6 carrying bricks or sweeping up cement dust to earn enough to get me through the next term. I guess times have changed!
Saw a few all male packs ourselves, shirts off, dancing like mad men at Paty O's. Have to say it's not really typical of TTR the rest of the year. I'm getting to know a few of the longer term security guys and they have a difficult job in March. This kind of thing has been an issue with regulars for years and I dont think it will change... there is no alternative resort. So when 'our kind of people' avoid that time of year the hotel has to make the numbers somehow and it just leaves more occupancy for the groups most of us don't really want to mix with.