Jim, you make an excellent point. A group that I was a big part of in college does a reunion every even year in Chico. When we went to school there in the 80s it was the heyday of the party era and Chico State was the #1 party school in the Playboy rankings. When the students find out that we there in the days of legend we are suddenly transformed from old farts into heroes and they want to hear stories of how it was 30 years ago. We play beer pong, flip cup and liars dice (often kicking their asses with old age and treachery) and have a great time with them. However, we probably still won't be going in May because we love our May and October peeps so we will see you guys in October.
Just remember, if you want to avoid March come in April when the smoking hot "older" chicks are there :wink3: Chris
A little off track, but Yo.. Chico Allumni!! was there in the 80's.. That school could definitely party, even after banning alcohol on campus. Spent many afternoons and eve's at Maddison Bear Gardens, the Graduate, and Top Flight. Good Times!! I even waited tables with one of the Playboy Girls of Chico State at Perko's... lol OK.. back on Topic. I would personally probably avoid March, but until we are kid free, March isn't a option to us so nothing I have to worry about. I enjoy partying with anyone that is non-judgmental, open, and having fun. I do find that the younger crowd is often (not always) more judgmental than the older crowds. Also why hanging out with the LS crowd is a lot of fun. You don't have to be in it to see how the care free, non-judgmental atmosphere is very relaxing. No one is trying to prove how hot they are or feeling entitled because they are young and Hot. All that said.. come on July. I hope we have a little bit of crazy during Nakify July :flash:
We are so sorry that you had a really bad time. End of Feb and March are the worst times to go to TTR, Because of the Spring Breakers that are coming from all different walks of life to Drink and be Merry at a college level. Which translates to Rude people who really don't respect anyone else besides their friend's. This is a warning to anyone who goes to TTR don't go during March you will have an awful time after and there is no escaping it. Go in April May June Etc...
We all had crazy college days. I think the points that we go to TTR for the sexy vibe and when big packs of Spring breakers get together the sexy vibe will be gone. TTR really needs to take a long look at the crowds that show up and change the way the promote. I always went to the Grand Oasis when i was in college for spring break but there was no topless woman running around either.