We just extended ours from the 8th to the 13th. Bring on the jello shots. Unless they have coconut pineapple or banana in them....then I will pass
Usually we prefer to make cherry or strawberry mixed with Whipped Crème Vodka, they turn out quite good, just ask JJ.
Well u better have a crap ton made then...cause deereman and cafegirl love them jello shots. It makes me feel like I'm a lubes cafeteria
We just ordered 250 jello shot cups with lids on the world wide web. I love that thing that Al Gore created, what a genius, don't even have to leave my chair to order more jello shots!
250 is a lot of shots, who is going to volunteer to spend all of that time with Kristin in the room making "jello" shots?
Umm. If the job is vacant bud...I will sacrifice and stay in your room with your wife to make "jello shots" hahaha. (Jk) but for real...I will
Best dam Jell-O shots !! I'm druling already thinking about how Kristin lick that jello cup with one swoop of her skillful tongue!! And bam!!! Licked it Clean !! Im determined to keep practicing so bring lots of Jell-O shots and you may have to demonstrate it again!! Wink wink...Ha ha !!! Whoop there it is!! Just hope you one of the lucky ones to get one!!!