Sorry for being nervous and getting drunk " the first day" I tried to avoid the 2 guys that were wild, but when I introduced my self "sober" to the group, I did kinda felt left out, and no one even knew me.. Mandy asked me to go to that toy party with her, I didn't ask her. I'm not a sloppy drunk, and did help others that got blasted. When I spoke to Steve all he said was " you can get drunk on the cruise, but we don't let people on that show up drunk.. So I just met a girl and spent time with her and other great people. I never ment to make anyone uncomfortable.. So.. There goes my April trip it's ok though.. BTW.. I like every response I get on a thread I start. Thanks for reading. AJ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well good to hear your perspective. But 'there goes my april trip' ? Not sure what that means. Like I said before and to others, my take was/is you are a good guy that maybe tries too hard. Just an opinion. I figure you have two options... either take the advice or continue on and maybe some people will not want you at a toy exchange or on a cruise or for u to join them on a yacht rental for reasons above.
Thanks for saying I'm a nice guy, can we end this conversation? Because I don't wanna arrive at the resort anxious, and worrying what people think of me because of what you even called " hear say" and it is up to you if you want to take your post down. I think folks should be able to post what they think. AJ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok I apologise, I'm 99% great at keeping my opinion to myself. That damn 1% that slips through. I saw someone called out subvertly without (IMO) due cause or an explanation why. I shouldn't have said anything, but if that was me, I'd feel pretty shitty about someone calling me out like that. I felt I had to say something but in hindsight appreciate it wasn't exactly my place to butt in. I wasn't there so not something I should be commenting on. My bad, won't happen again. Honestly I'm a nice person and definitely not one who tells people what they can or can't post. Please accept my apology, now can we forget this and get back to discussing important things like boobs
I'm a firm believer in " believe about 5 percent of what someone says about others" until something is witnessed by your own eyes, it's rumors. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
By no means telling you what you can and can't post, but being a newbie to this forum, I think this is a bit mean, sorry I do, but that's my opinion. Aj we are there 30th sept to 14th oct, not into toys, swapping, demos or otherwise, but if you fancy a drink, we will be about, but only if its water:fish: