Today I thought maybe I'd step up and go look for some AIWC. After all only six days to go. After a couple phone calls I find out that the stuff is readily accessible in Colorado. I scooted over to my liquor store which had informed me they have many different flavors. They had Caramel and Mint. I hope they're good because that's what I bought. So I'm in the checkout line and there is a middle-aged couple behind me. The lady ask me how I like that whipped cream. I just say I've never had these flavors before, but usually not so good. Then the young female cashier looks at me and says so what do you put this on. I noticed the guy behind me chuckling to himself as I respond " I like it on pie" . Not sure where that answer came from because I'm not normally that quick. She then ask me, if it doesn't taste very good why do you put it on pie. I thought the guy behind me was going to die at this point. I really didn't have a good answer for that one so I simply said, the people that Im meeting like this kind of whipped cream on their pie. So far I have been completely truthful right. I escaped that situation and made my way to the car and headed home. I had a little bit of a drive so as I get home I run into the house throw my package on the counter it go use the bathroom. I come out of the bathroom and see my 16-year-old boy looking in the paper sack at my AIWC. He says dad why did you buy all of this alcohol cream. Nosey kid!!!!. It's for my trip to Mexico I replied. He does know little bit about where I go on vacation but I haven't given him all the details. What are you going to do with it he says. Once again I say, I'm going to put it on pie. He says , looks like you're going to be eating a lot of pie. Only if I'm lucky son. He then looks at me and says, dad you are so gross and walks away...........
That is freakin hilarious! I don't know how you were able to hold it together. I couldn't have said that without busting out laughing
We typically buy something that is lighter in color no matter what the flavor is.We have seen Chocolate used before and it's a bit of a mess to say the least.
Going to have to agree with you on this one.Smeared chocolate just looks wrong about anywhere you put it
Watch out for the chocolate kind it stainds clothing so be sure to take off all clothing for shots. Lol
We live in North Carolina, there is NO AIWC in our county or surrounding counties. Our local ABC commission said it was not available anywhere in NC... I'm headed to South Carolina next week on my search.
I don't know if they ship to NC/SC or not, but has it available to order and ship. Just a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood BigSexy