Okay, here's the skinny on Cancun time. Quintana Roo is now in the Eastern Time Zone. However, they do not change with Daylight Savings Time any longer. So, at this time year, when the U.S and Canada are on DST, Cancun time is the same as Central time. Make your adjustments accordingly. That is all.
Count us in for 2 on the May 19th cruise. Looking forward to seeing Chinos, Omar, Steve, Janet and all of our friends.
Those going on May 5th cruise I set up a thread for theme ideas, lets hear your ideas. http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/32484-may-5th-boobs-cruise-theme-ideas.html
We missed the foam party on our first trip... got there as it was ending... so will be fun to actually party in the foam!
Tuesdays are a great day for the cruise. You have recovered on Sunday from Saturday night, Mondays are slow. You are recharged and ready to go on Tuesday morning. Monday nights are fairly lame for the resort theme. Thursdays you have the foam party, and then lingerie night so not the best day to get hammered on the cruise. You already have something to get revved up for Thursday night. PLEASE move 28th cruise to 26th!!!
It would be nice if people spread themselves out a bit. Please don't do an April and all choose the same date meaning I have to turn many away due to selling out and cancel the next one because there isn't enough interest.