all the years before i was with verizon and they offered international service I have now switched to Ntelos and they do not. So my question is does the iphone 6 use a sim card and whats the best way to get one in the us r in mexico also at the airport r in a local store? Thanks for any help!!!
We just ordered one from They ship out of the US and we received it in less than a week (awesome considering we're on an island in the North Atlantic). They had a wide variety for several phones. You do have to be sure that your phone is unlocked for international use. A quick call and small fee to your provider should take care of that.
Yes it does have to be unlocked. I just got this Reduce Roaming Fees with KnowRoaming it works great and can be used for lots of different countries.
I tried the unlocked phone, and Mexico sims card this year, and it didn't work. The support guy had me try a few things witht the phine, but said it had some settings that he had never encountered. It was an AT&T something phone.