It's all good i'm right there with ya brother this will be my 5th trip to TTR but first time as a single. The ADDICTS are the best group of people. You'll be fine
Yeah, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Seems like there will be tons of people from here down there when you are there, and obviously you knowing not to be "that guy" means you’re not going to be. I think I could also go as a single, because Elyse and are often not side by side. Only thing to think about are the meals. Breakfast is easy(normally a blurr anyway), Go to lunch with whoever looks like they "need" to eat, and then I am sure there will be enough singles that would love to go to dinner with you or couples that don't mind you joining.
Definitely come up and say hi. I will do the same if I recognize you from your photo. Glenn and I are not always together at the pool so some people have thought we were single. We have a lot of friends from there, funny a lot of single friends that we cherish and party with at home too.
You'll do just fine. Sounds like you have been there before, just make the rounds and interact with everyone. Some people seem standoffish or just stay in their own circle, but I am sure as you interact with everyone you can identify who you want to spend time with. There is someone there to hang out with everyone. Fortunately there arent too many judgemental people at TTR, lol. Its usually what you make of it. Sent from Ohio starring BigSexy&Misssexy
Well I said it before, and I say it again. If you wanna find me look for the Italian map tattoo. Everyone feel free to say hi! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk