You're linking to the page the pic is on, not the pic itself. If you click on the pic it will give you a direct linking code to copy and paste
Still the same Invalid Album specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Why is trying to post a simple pic so difficult ... anyways it was a pic off the Chive cute little guy maybe 12months old with a chuckle smile and a T-shirt that said " I luv (heart shape)BOOBIES !! on it .....just reminded me of TTR . wish I could figure out this whole pic posting copy n paste stuff but I guess Im a non tekky type so if someone else can find it and post it ...much appreciated .
This site isn't great for uploading pictures. But what you can do is Find pic on Internet Right click on pic Select copy url Then in here when posting do Click on image box Paste the url and hit enter Usually works