5 days left ......slowly approaching..... Looking forward to meeting and partying with EVERYONE. ... Get the shots ready .... See-ya soon !
UPDATE-- WE DID IT!! 434 ON NOW!! OK Folks! April's Boobs Cruise Dates and Info are on the list now! I’m putting together April’s 2015 file for us 2014 TTR April Addicts. Please don’t send any info thru Face Book or CCC, OK? If you want to get on it, please E-mail me your: REAL 1st NAMES, CANCUNCARE SCREEN NAMES, DATES YOU’LL BE THERE (IF YOU’RE THERE MOSTLY IN APRIL) (NOT GOING TO INCLUDE FOLKS THAT ARE THERE MOSTLY IN MARCH OR MAY THIS TIME) & A PICTURE OF YOU (FACE CLOSE-UP IF POSSIBLE), ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO ME— vetter79@rochester.rr.com As the list updates, I will forward it to everyone on the list that I have addresses for. Hopefully this worked out for most when we did it last year (270+) on last April’s list), so let’s see if we can do it again! Woody & Sue PS: If you just print out the pages of people that will be there in your time frame, I figure it’ll be sort of like a Pre-Meet for those of you that might not know anyone (1st Timers). PS: April's theme Nights are included on the list now too!
5 more days until we take off! I'll be honest, I won't remember names but will hopefully remember faces but if you recognize us, don't hesitate to say hi! These days cannot pass fast enough.
Print off Woodys roll call for the dates around yours and keep it with your everyday items you take to the pool. I found it helps with faces as well as names. Ken
No face-shot on here, but just look for the 250 lb bald guy with a Packers cup. You do have a reference with my wife's behind though so you could always hold up the printed picture next to everyone's booty trying to match it up. Actually when you see a couple walking by the pool and think "oh my god look that guy must have rented an escort for the week no way they belong together" that's probably us!
The Naughty Nefies were referring to the spread sheet created for our month by Woody. Your picture is not posted here on the forum it is only on the PDF that Woody sends out the link to for those going in April so you know who is there when you are. Very helpful for remembering the names of those you meet.
Very funny, and I too have married a woman way out of my league... the only difference here is I will be the 250lb bald guy with a Giants hat! :xyxthumbs: