You should see our TTR confessions thred reply...but we love your list...if we can help with anything let us know:typing::typing:
1. Enjoy some body shots off of some beautiful ladies. 2. Provide nightly balcony shows. 3. Get naked on Boobs Cruise. 4. Find a unicorn for myself (Katie) 5. tease husband by making him watch me with unicorn.
Finding awesome no drama friends that we can drink flirt get naked and very very amorous with.....and if we can fit some dancing and grinding in there will take some of that too lol hope to find a few groups to be a part of too!!! Lol
Wow, this thread has been inactive for a while. Too funny looking back on Blondie's list, that was just prior to our first trip to TTR. I think we need to come up with a new list because that one is done and done again. What will this May have in store for us? I have no idea but I can't wait to find out.