I recently read on the Temptation site that there are multiple hot tubs at the resort, but I read somewhere here that there are only "hot tubs" in the pool, which aren't actually hot? We love hot tubs and didn't get a jacuzzi room because it sounded like they had plenty of them. Are we missing something?
There are not jacuzzi's around the resort. There are jetted areas I think 4 of them built in the pool. Everyone says hot tubs but they are same temp as pool. There may be one hot tub but is is for premier guest only .
They call the ones in the sexy pool hot tubs because of what happens in them, and not for the temperature of the water.
I think everyone can use the hot tub above the sexy pool. It is like a 6-8 person one. Depending on when you are going, the pool is hot (temperature wise) I was in mind Sept, and oh my. The jetted tubs that are built in the sexy pool are also known as fun holes. I think there might be more of them at the quiet pool, but who even knows what goes on over there besides crickets chirping.
The so-called "Hot Tubs" in the Sexy Pool just... aren't... that's what we think. Fun, sure, especially when you pack 20 or so like-minded sexy/fun folks in one, but they aren't at all hotter (in a temperature sense) than any of the other water. The Jacuzzi tubs for those rooms DO get hot, in both senses of the word, i.e. the past couple trips we've dumped buble-making stuff int here and had fun sudsy pic and playtime. Ah... that was fun, eh?!
There's a pool called the quiet pool????? Mmmmmmm........ have never seen this place you speak of. lol
So after reading this I looked at the map, because I was like I know we all joke, but most of us have seen the quiet pool because that one restaurant is right there. So I looked at the map, and was like yea the seafood place, defiantly been there...I think. But then I noticed in the back right corner is another restaurant. I was like I don’t know that one, so I looked it up, and it is the Italian. That brought up more confusion and now I have email out to Elyse if I ever have been there. How pathetic? hahahahahaha
OK so I got this reply from the brains of the operation: "Omg, yes you and I have been there. We sat in those tall, comfy chairs – and were wasted. Also that’s where I went with Mel and Delicious for our sexy coffee and grown-up type dinner. Typically I schedule us to go there at least one time (getting an RSVP is difficult) but typically its harder to get both of our butts coordinated (i.e. sober enough) to go! J The food there is legit! They have that steak carpacio and yummy salad, and honestly I don’t remember what else we’ve had but I’m sure it was a steak or something and I prob had dessert with you when we went…I’m not 100%. But italain and Japanese restaurants are the best! , super highly recommended. Elyse" This May will be our third trip, but I guess each one is pretty much new. I think will keep going back so by like our 8th trip I will have a total of 8 days worth of memories.
The steak at the Italian is good, but I personally like the steak in the Tex-Mex better. Never got to see the sexy coffee yet, everytime we went they would not do it, hopefully this year.