I've basically been following a plan very similar to Steve's. Down 37lbs since i started. I've had a couple bad days and even a full out week. Just have to keep on it.
........it's all about the pleasures of the wine v losing 5lbs instead of 3! But.......................slow is the best way to go............remember..........it must be less about this trip and more about the trip next year.......or in future years! You can do this! I promise you!
It's all about eating healthy (fresh, real, from scratch foods you make from the start), watching your portions, exercising regularly including a variety or types and intensity or cardio and strength training, and knowing what it is you're after!! Some of us can make the goal and achieve fitness model status while others simply want to feel better. It's all about feeling great in your skin and living a happy and balanced life according to you!!
You're going to have bad days.........even weeks. So? Get back on the wagon! We all fall off now and then...........You have learned how to lose weight! No one is perfect every day. How boring and unrealistic would that be?
I do sometimes. I kind of actually just like the whites more. Plus I just buy a carton of the whites, so it is super easy to just pour them out.
Totally doing weights this week. 5 sets of 20 Squats, Arnold Press,Sit Ups, Rear Rows, Lat Rows,Cross Over Crunches, Push ups, Plies, Med Ball figure 8's, One Arm Rear Flies and Skaters. Getting bikini ready as I can get this body but I almost wish I had three more months. 9 days left.