OK, I will certainly check it out tonight. TV seems to have a difficult time with this topic. They see the potential but usually feel they have to go negative at some point.
Oops, we are guilty as charged... Have done the switcheroo with other couples at vanilla bars/clubs a few times (nothing too extreme btw, just kissing and maybe getting a tiny bit frisky). The look at the bartender was classic! Have seen it so many times... LOL... Best part of that first Episode... Btw the couples are as real as they get, some of them go to TTR
Ya'll are right, a lot of drama, but having first hand experience, that is how it starts....drama..then if couples are mature they move past that. I applaud Tony and the rest of the group for being able to come out. We have family and a few close non lifestyle friends that know, but we cannot come out right now. Too risky for jobs and business dealings. To us it sucks...it is more acceptable to have an affair in society than to be non monogamous, where everyone is on board. Makes no sense.
Is that the name of the show? I have looked on On Demand search for it on A&E but no luck.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The first couple I was with, there was not drama but it was a little awkward. The awkwardness went away when all got started since then, I can pretty much tell how a couple will be with me or the girl I'm with at the time....I am out to most everyone as a lifestyler, because in my mind, it is nothing to be ashamed of... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We saw it last night. Saw the drama coming. It was mildly entertaining and will record it to watch when the mood hits us. Some parts we agree with , like the upfront communication but somethings were just blown up for drama.
seen a lot of unnecessary drama and a lot of what do go on in house parties. Seemed more tame than our parties....lol Reality TV has to have drama to keep everyone watching. We kinda named the characters after the people that attend our parties. Pretty easy to do.......lol