If we use USA Transfers and have a flight in the late afternoon, can we stay at the resort and continue to party till USA Transfers gets us, or does the resort itself make us leave at checkout time?
No you can stay, we've stayed as late at midnight if not later.. our transportation... NOT USA forgot about us.. Anyways we had access to everything except our room, but changing in the bathroom wasn't an issue.. They do take your band and if your going to be there awhile I believe they give you a chit or something.. For a few hours you'll be fine. this trip our pick up isn't till I think around 4:00 we're not worried
You can stay at resort until your flight but have to be checked out of the room. You can use the amenities until you depart for airport.
Thanks for the info! So even if they take our band, we can still eat and get alcoholic drinks still till we leave?
Sure can... and they will take you band, but like I said I think they may give a chit if you need to show anyone.
We always try to get the latest flight out possible. One word of caution though if you stay out drinking in the pool until 4:30am and are severely hungover, and all you can accomplish is setting in the lobby until the van picks you up at 4pm makes a very long day. The really bad part was it was both of us that felt that way.
Last April we were able to stay. Be prepared to vacate your room on time and then take your bags to the front for storage. This year we also leave the resort around 4 so will find an April Addict that will let us leave a small bag in their room and then we can change and head out:aktion069: Nice to have friends help us out with that. Great way to spend your last afternoon at TTR!
You have to be out of your room by a certain time......................but out of the resort........not until they catch you! There is a secret to this..........lol....
Thanks for all the help! We've been to TTR twice before but its been awhile (last time was when swine flu hit), so we didn't remember how things worked. We're getting ready to book May 9th - 16th, hoping its not to crowded. Do the lines get long to get drinks during early May?