will next Friday ever get here???? im even looking forward to customs in the airport!!!! close to 30 trips and every one of them get better!! see ya soon!!
we tried Desire Pearl and instead of staying at DP were going back to TTR for our last 2 nights.. We will be back Sat 1;00 ish thru Monday morning.. see some of you again and see some of you that we thought we would not get to see...
Just getting ready to go through Security,should be at the TTR by 6 tonight just in time to put on my Theme Night attire and get this party rolling!!
3 more nights....yeah baby!......excited ready and packed. To our friends. Have a safe trip and make sure you have our margaritas ready when we arrive. lol! should arrive by 2:00 Tuesday.
I hope u guys all have fun and I hope some of the single guys leave back...it was a blast but alot of singles...