I just have to get this off my chest or I'm going to explode..

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by AJL_NC_34, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    Thanks brother.

    Semper Fi
  2. BostonMel

    BostonMel I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    First and foremost Thank you!
    Second just a young dumb kid, can account for intelligence or respectability. But to say he's a democrat, well that's just silly.
    Kinda like bad stereotyping. But I digress.
    Many of us, Americans and those abroad, appreciate and respect veterans in general.. I know my son has dreamed of becoming a soldier since I can remember. Its honorable.
    I think its sad that so many out there hold such foolish prejudice.
    So many people lacking manners, compassion and respect.
    Makes you wonder who brought them up?
    Again I Thank you and your brothers in arms.
    Just wish your service didn't have to come with such trials.
    And glad you knew you could come here to vent.
    Phuck I would have chewed his ass out and bought you beer if I was there.
  3. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    Thanks for your kind words! I've had people sending me 3 beers at once in bars lol! What you said means a lot to me. :)

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  4. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    Semper Fi! Brother..

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  5. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    True. When I was stationed at Camp Pendelton, Ca., we couldnt wear cammis/fatigues off base into town because of all the bullshit the civilians would hurl at you. They loved our money we spent though. Times sure are different for vets now, and thats a great thing!
  6. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    We were allowed to wear fatigues, just not our dress blues when off of base. Yes sir. They don't mind us spending the money we make for getting shot at and "well, you know what I mean " thanks again

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  7. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    My father was in Ca. Before he left for Vietnam, the train he was on closed all the windows because of haters.

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  8. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thank you all :)

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  9. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0
    The thing that gets to me, is I have twin nephews that both have just went through Paris Island. I just don't want them to be treated how I was. but once again thank you all for your kind statements

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  10. AJL_NC_34

    AJL_NC_34 Guest

    +0 / 0

    Please tell your son thanks from me.. I don't know him, but this vet is Damn proud of him :) thanks

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