THese people got the idea;_ylt=A2KLqIL6VQxVpjwAbJ8snIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=floating+flip+cup+table&vid=5b86d42c3db822dfb116e67c1a02ea31&l=2%3A28&
I think the wood would not mix well with the water. Also, the foam board could be cut down and lightweight in your suitcase, pieced together all the same, if there is not a builder supply place nearby. I am sure someone knows something. From what I have seen on here the last couple of months, you would be fun to party with...maybe you should come down in June!
Yea I was thinking that about with the wood. That’s why I was hoping to find a plastic board. I do see what you are saying about the foam board. I saw a picture and people used two sheets of that and then duck taped them together so it was like 4 inches think. I could do that and then cut it in ways to fit in the suitcase. I can fit all my stuff in my checked bag. Just would have to tell Elyse there is not room for her extra crap in my carryon. She will just have to limit the shoes to only the really hot ones. I would love to go in June too. Money, job, kid…always cramping my style.
Scuba Steve, why oh why will you not be there in April???? We love flip cup! And in the sexy pool sounds like a blast. Hope it works out for your May crew :clappyinghappy: P.s. Any engineers in the April addicts group that's game?
Maybe you could ask Steve if he pick up the materials and leave them with Damien for when you get there. You never know.
Civil War - quarters (pong ball bounce into cup), flip cup, beer pong. Two teams, fastest wins, you distract other team by whatever means necessary, wink wink. Fun, physical, good times!! Actually that would be hard in the pool