So our first trip to TTR was with the famous week 8/shitshow crowd in February. Unfortunately for us, due to circumstances, we couldn't go this February. Based on Capt Morgans trip reports, we missed out on a lot of fun! We missed Saram's wedding and the rest of the wildness that Brent, Ryan, Awsome Dave, Saram, Capt Morgan and others seem to drum up. So now we're getting an opportunity to make a bunch of new friends to add to our old friends in May. We're looking forward to the party and hope we fit in with the crowd. We started our shopping and planning. Hopefully, we won't offend anyone with our purchases. We'd hate to add you to the funhaters thread! Hahaha We arrive at the resort the evening of the 15th around 9:30, which should give us enough time to check in, take our things to our room, change into whatever the theme is for that night and hit Paty'Os. I'm already hungry for one of those hamburgers. see you guys then!
Most of what we bought so far would get us arrested anywhere else! Some of the items might take a little liquid courage, but some of them are similar to what we wore last year.
Sounds right to me.. :xyxthumbs: Just think it won't take liquid courage after a few nights. Def by next trip it won't.. artyhorn: Always great people there.
Thanks icecube! We're looking to get away from it all and have a little bit of fun. May can't get here soon enough.
Let me see, we've been to TTR 14 times now. Of these (checking my pic-folders) 3 were with the Week 8 Crew, 3 with the April Addicts, 4 times with Mayhem and twice in crossover from Sextember to Octoberbreast. Wait, twice in August. Of all of these.... They are all Awesome! Slightly different vibe and feel of course, but each time there are really cool people, the occasional dumb-ass and lots and lots of just having fun, good old-fashioned party folks! You'll have a great time. Look up Jamie! He knows everyone.
Thanks! That's great to hear. We're pumped and ready to go. Sounds like we'll fit right in with the Mayhem crowd. We might even cause a little Mayhem ourselves! LOL