Oh we missed the shots! I bought a new tv cabinet and we have been putting it together. Cheers everyone!!!
Awesome! And I am drinking Titos also! I'm bummed Marshe that I don't have any fireball in our house! Sinful!
I agree! We have been so busy at work and then working on our house. Plus I have been on a mad diet so I am only drinking vodka and water on the weekend. Boring!!! Much rather have fireball!!!
Bring the blueberry too! We'll try it AFTER the cranberry and then it won't taste like cranberry. :xyxthumbs: Did I mention what I'm bringing? Honey "wine" (mead) from Illinois' only meadery and Chicago's first winery (of only two...)
OMG I LOVE lemoncello! These all taste so much better than bourbon, in my humble opinion. Maybe I'll compromise and bring the bourbon-infused mead. :icon_razz:
Ang, you know vodka, soda and lime is what we drink but we crave Bulliet and Coke. And sometimes we indulge our wanton wishes. LOL