Don't Be a Fun-Hater.

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Stacia_and_John, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Netcruizer99

    Netcruizer99 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    We don't have a fun hater story yet, but I do recall one evening seeing a lady at Paty'O's giving another women the evil eye due to the skimpy dress she was wearing. It was the type of shocked look you might expect if you wore a typical dress to the local shopping mall, but not something that you would expect to see at TTR.

    I mean, get real, our better halves actually wear more clothes to the lingerie party than they do to the sexy pool!
  2. Justrob

    Justrob Guru Registered Member

    Jun 26, 2014
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    Only been once. Luckily no fun hater story from that trip other two than drunk asses who I had to help out of the pool. They weren't haters though
  3. kmontoya

    kmontoya I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    west jordan utah
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    I have seen some very sexy outfits at TTR! but that is what makes the place so fun. dress sexy or not. why would anyone with jealously issues go there in the first place? just to ruin someones good time? the motion I like to make is the jack off one at ass holes! then promptly ignore them!
  4. jeff & deb

    jeff & deb I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    I gotta practice that one...LOL I would probably fall over laughing at myself if I tried that...LMAO
  5. BillS

    BillS Regular Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Hey John! Fun haters? They are every-damn-where. Our last trip to Vegas my wife got the guts to put on a blue shimmering cut-down-to-THERE-dress (her boobs defy gravity, you see) and we boarded the elevator for a 25 story ride down. 3 young girls (22?) got on soon after and STARED at my wife until one said, disdainfully, "Nice dress". She then recounted all my wifes exploits at the topless pool that day.."You did body shots" and "That guy oiled up your tits",etc My wife was stoic (NOT her personality) but I knew she was steaming . Finally, at the ground floor I told the girl, "Do you even realize you are sucking the energy out of us here"?? She got this blank look and left. We don't know what to do with these people. How they can be at TTR is amazing to us....We call them "spectators"...Cheers to you two!!!!!!!
  6. BillS

    BillS Regular Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    +36 / 0
    And John, You are a nice guy. I would've said; " Don't fuckin' look then...In fact, you're at the wrong resort...." Hugs from us! Hope to see y'all some day...
  7. malnadi

    malnadi Addict Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    We have heard people complaining that the ship was moving on a cruise!!
  8. xraider13

    xraider13 Addict Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    Saw a lady call security on a guy claiming he had grabbed her boob while in line to get a drink next to the sexy pool. There were a bunch of us there, the guy may have been tipsy (who wasn't), but that wasn't who he was. She was an older bitter woman that was not happy and fighting with her boyfriend. She then tried to make her boyfriend confront the guy. The guy was about 6'5" and was with a bunch of very big guys, football coaches actually. (all married with very hot wives so not to think they were a group of singe creepers). The poor boyfriend (for about another hour), came up and did his best to confront the guy, but even he knew it wasn't true and they ended up shaking hands. Security got involved, everyone around was "interviewed" and after a hour of drama and her crying and yelling, security escorted her away, and eventually off property. The poor boyfriend stayed at the pool for a couple hours before finally leaving. I think she just saw us all having fun and decided she wanted everyone to be as miserable as she was and tried to do something to stop the FUN...
  9. Mommabear

    Mommabear I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Kickapoo IL and New Jersey
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    Oh yes the fun haters... When I was told "you really aren't going to wear your glasses with lingerie are you? She said glasses aren't sexy. " I wore my glasses the rest of my trip.... And others even rocked their glasses just to prove a point!
    And if my memory serves me correctly, that same trip I even ""sported" the toilet paper out the back of my thong on the island. Proving a point, I don't give a shit, I was having fun and I'm the first one to laugh at myself. Haters are gonna hate, but I won't let them bring me down.
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    OK, time to do some replying....

    Indeed! I understand some folks don't "get" the party that is WDS&H Night, but the vast majority of them haven't even experienced partying it up like that post-Midnight when all the buttons open up and the gals' goods go "on display" as it were. It's damn sexy, fires up guys something serious, and the girls who get into it totally rock the strut if yaknowhutImean... Really looking forward to hanging with you & C sometime as well! Boo-Yah, the other ladies (I am referring especially to the Fun-Hating crowd of non-TTR types) are in for a nasty treat.

    As Diane once said to a stuffy chick in line at the Patyo's cheeseburger bar in line, "Too Much Panty!"

    OK, that"could" have been Booze vs. Boobs Cruise mistaken boarding... maybe. OR it could have easily have been, "No honey, it's just a booze cruise with a funny name is all. That's it, it'll be fun!" Oops if that. OR, second alternative, if "could" have been, "You keep staring at that bitch's tits and I'm pusing you overboard." Could have been that, too.

    The above being said, people really should at least try to figure out what they're in for... at least, IMO. Chinos can be a relationship-challenge if'n ya don't know what's coming down the track at ya.

    you "could" start a thread on CCC, just sayin'... It worked for me, considering the alternative approach I was contemplating, which brings me to...


    You are a nice guy. I would've said; " Don't fuckin' look then...In fact, you're at the wrong resort...." Hugs from us! Hope to see y'all some day...

    Bill, well that's just young girls. Young girls are stupid. Sorry if you are a young girl out there, Gentle Reader, but it's true. They don't even know that they're stupid. Don't think I'm sexist, young boys are just fucking dumb. It's the youth, they (you) can't help it. Don't worry, if you survive it, it goes away and you get all better. Oh, and fuck spectators, I'm with you on that. Why in the hell do you go to TTR or perhaps especially on Steve's Boobs Cruise, if all you are going to do is "watch?" Not get involved in the filthy-fun at all? WTF?

    My initial response to the dude was instictively a physical one, so rather than let the beast mode engage, I just kept quiet and gritted my teeth until the impulse to trample went away. It helped that when I told her about Stacia flashed me an open-shirt shot, so it was well worth the restraint.

    Ends up the dude WAS just trying to convey his opinion, and that's fine. Opinions, assholes, I get it, we all have them. Just the presentation was.... off, let's say.
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