I think we have all seen some out of controlled singles at TTR without getting into the whole single bashing stuff. I just wished they would limit the groups of single guys.
This is why the March roll-call is so light compared to other months. While this can certainly happen anytime (and anywhere), having a large percentage of young single drunk men on spring break is certainly a recipe for disaster.
And it changes the whole sexy vibe around the pool. It's not a show or free-for-all for drunk dudes who didn't bring a date to the party. Wish somebody would build a strip club across the road to get the creepers, gawkers, and grabby guys over there.
We've been there four times and have never seen anything remotely like this. I've actually been surprised at how laid back the single guys have been. Of course they're buzzed and loud and partying, but not as pushy as at, say a South Beach or NYC club.
I find it funny in a sad kind of way that this thread seems to want to focus on singles when the perp lperp was there with his wife lol
I'm coming down with three friends. We are aged 49-60. Hope we aren't considered a "pack" I would have to think there are lot's of "creepy" married men there too. Everybody should be judged on their own merits. As far as looking at women on the resort, I think that might be hard not to do unless we are blind. We don't plan on grabbing anyone or being aggressive or rude, no more than we would at any resort we have been to. ( None of the above) These type of comments make me uncomfortable before I even arrive.
Quick story... We were at the quiet pool bar in Jan.. this married guy (around 50ish) was plowed/drunk obnoxious yelling crazy shit at this young single girl..it didn't make alot of sense but it was very aggressive and scary. I was talking to I believe 3 married guys and Jeff was talking to 2 single guys... it was the most fascinating thing to watch, single guy say's excuse me to Jeff, and starts talking to crazy yelling married guy.. whole situation is diffused. single girl gets to sit back with her single friend.. Single dude was still chatting nicely to drunk dude when we left..We hope the happy ending was single guys hung out with the single girls... True story.. So its not just single guys that cause trouble.. married do also.. and just so we are clear, we think both single and married women can cause trouble also and if I think hard enough I'm sure I would remember something.. but come on we only really want to remember the good things