I have an issue with TTR. Somehow it makes time creep slow. Last summer when we were unable to go to TTR time seemed to fly by and next thing you know it was Christmas. This year we are going in June and I swear the days went from 24 hours to 72 hours. I think TTR needs to address the time issue and figure out a way to speed up these creeping slow months.
OMG you are so right... never fails book a trip...and time either stops or just creeps along..LOL Oh and worse, worse than that..is when your trip is over in a blink of an eye...
I guess "old" is only relative. But then my relatives are younger than me. Gotta get to TTR where I'm young! :huepfen013::huepfen021::aktion033::mnm: George
OMG you're so funny Norm! And it's so very true. Tick tick tick tock.....:banghead: Can't wait until June and July!!! :cheerleaders:
Agreed, but I could live with the lead time seeming to drag, if it were not for the feeling that once your there, 24 hrs flies by like it was half as much. There should be some equity in this whole thing. If the days before your vacation seem like they are 72 hrs long, the least they could do is make the days at TTR 72 hrs as well.