We are newbies at TTR March 22 to 29th and have been reading some posts that make is seem like the resort has a Spring Break feel at that time of year. I really hope not!! We are looking for an energetic feel and a sexy vibe. Meeting some great people would be awesome but a little worried that our first visit will be our last now! What you ya think?
I have gone late March/early April, the crowd was a bit different than normal but was still good. We tried to go out a couple times to a club and that was absolutely HORRIBLE!!! At least at TTR you were a bit shielded from the outside. lol
LOL TTR is a spring break feeling all year round! But not 20 year olds we have kids that age. But we all go to feel and act like 20 year olds
We went during spring break last time and it wasn't bad at all yes there were a few more singles but they just mingled with the other singles and we didn't notice less couples there. It was fun seeing the "kids" pass out by midnight while the rest of us stayed up until 4 to go skinny dipping and close down the bar.
You will have a great time in March. We went last year about the 20th of March and met great people and had tons of fun. Add some pics profile and gallery, the ccc peeps will walk up and introduce themselves. We had friends from the site prior to arriving, as soon as we got in the sexy pool the first time someone said, "hey everyone it's Pat & Jen". Spend the time to network and have fun.
We are very private thus no pics but we do make friends pretty easy and would rather do so in person anyway! Long flight so arrive around 430pm. I hear its only a half hr drive from the airport but immigration is quite the process. Is this true? We usually vacation in the DR or cuba because of the amazing beaches so not very familiar with Mexico
I think most of the spring break is over by that time, you have nothing to worry about. We there from 16th to 26th...see you guys around
Immigration is usually pretty easy in Mexico. They stamp your passport and then you press a button, if the light is green you walk straight to your cab. If it's red, your face will be as well when they find the toys u packed for a week at TTR. But that's really another thread all of its own!