Officially a month away from our first trip to Cancun and Temptation! Can't wait to party and celebrate 10 years together. Hopefully we remember some of it
Oh yeah, packages are starting to arrive, shit's getting real!! Received some linen pants I'd (Andrew, not as sexy on Ali) ordered online yesterday, Yandy package should arrive any day, April Addicts T-shirts should be here by April 1st and we ordered some LED glasses for Paty'o's that should arrive in a week or two. It's like Christmas all over!!!
Food for thought! 2 more to get on the list and we'll beat last years record by 100!! OK Folks! April's Boobs Cruise Dates and Info are on the list now! I’m putting together April’s 2015 file for us 2014 TTR April Addicts. Please don’t send any info thru Face Book or CCC, OK? If you want to get on it, please E-mail me your: REAL 1st NAMES, CANCUNCARE SCREEN NAMES, DATES YOU’LL BE THERE (IF YOU’RE THERE MOSTLY IN APRIL) (NOT GOING TO INCLUDE FOLKS THAT ARE THERE MOSTLY IN MARCH OR MAY THIS TIME) & A PICTURE OF YOU (FACE CLOSE-UP IF POSSIBLE), ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO ME— As the list updates, I will forward it to everyone on the list that I have addresses for. Hopefully this worked out for most when we did it last year (270+) on last April’s list), so let’s see if we can do it again! Woody & Sue PS: If you just print out the pages of people that will be there in your time frame, I figure it’ll be sort of like a Pre-Meet for those of you that might not know anyone (1st Timers). 370 on the list guys!!
33 days to go, but only 4 more fridays sounds so much better! Wife's ordered her bikini's and we start tanning Sunday. Breaking the 30 day mark is going to be a big deal. At that point I can start counting down without using a calender!!!
Excited Just changed our reservations to 4/1-4/7 We are getting really excited about celebrating 15 anniversary at TTR