And apparently you've lost your vacation leader! Ha. You should send Woody your dates and pic to add you to the roll call. (see still taking care of ya.)
Was looking for the list and dates of who is going Donald...... Probably have ... Been practicing for the trip too much... :huepfen021:
Ok Jess ... For y'all 49 days 1178 hours 70704 minutes 4242259 seconds :ernaehrung024::ernaehrung024: Don't look at the minutes and seconds....they are depressing ...the rest are ok
35 days 7 hours 35 mins Ok Alternative time units 35 days, 8 hours, 30 minutes and 12 seconds can be converted to one of these units: 3.054.612 seconds 50.910 minutes (rounded down) 848 hours (rounded down) 35 days (rounded down) 5 weeks Ok, now don't forget something.. I sleep around 8 hours per day sooooo. only 567 hours to keep myself busy !! =D Yeahhh Still depressing ! =(