Thx. All good to know. We are never offended by being approached at all. Just not always the right situation. We are both very open minded and go with the flow kinda people just don't want to offend. By the sounds of it we wont have to worry. I'm sure once we get there we will be too busy having fun to notice. 18 more sleeps
I like to say "sorry, we don't share" but quickly follow up with something else friendly to say so they know you aren't offended or opposed to their lifestyle choices....
We aren't in the LS and our first two trips to TTR Los cabos and Cancun, we were approached once. Don't worry and look forward to having a great time with great people!
Damn... these are all excellent answers and I have nothing of true value to add.... so I'll go back to sucking Steve's wife's nipple! :baby2: Jamie
Honestly you probably have just a slighter chance of being approached here versus anywhere else by the nature of the resort. We have been approached in Vegas, local bars, etc...
Well we are in the LS, and your response is bang on. Its all about the conversation and being able to determine if there is a Desire by all parties to take it to the next level. If all 4 are not comfortable, it won't happen (and shouldn't happen). And yes, the most important aspect to ensure both spouses have talked it out before you are approached. We also recommend having a key word or phrase between the two of you so that you don't need to excuse yourself to discuss privately. We always have a key phrase that only we know and lets the other one know if we are interested or not. Have fun!