Down 2 more lbs today for a total of 14 lb off. More water weight I guess. Lol Or maybe it was the six workouts over my three day weekend and my diet WTF Either way I am taking it. Down another inch in my waist too.
sounds like you are accomplishing your goal m. good for you. as long as your happy, do what you feel you need to do. phillip was getting a little discouraged for awhile. eating right and going to gym, but not getting any smaller in waist area. but now its starting to move. I think we all want now, results. but it just don't happen that way for most. it took months to put on, prob take months to get off. but just doing it is best. will stay with the good eating and gym, I will be where I will be and know that I worked at it.
Ok I'm really happy. I order alot of short last week. Last year I was 14... this year 7-8 =) I was L / XL . I'm Medium . Anyways, I'm really happy =D since none of my short from last year fit me!! yay ! Yayyy !! =D
My most sincere apologies to anyone that was offended by my suggestions! My intent was simply to provide the best possible science based weight loss methods available my knowledge! If you are getting it "done" your way........that's fantastic and I congratulate you on your hard work and efforts! Well done ladies!
Great job Jess your accomplishment is something worthy to be proud of and post with others! :aktion033:
Thank you . I didn't meet my expectation but still. 30 pounds less than last year, something to be really proud off. my plan for april only get rid to the last few pounds so I can be under 170 !! But still I'm super happy =D
I'm sorry to not share the same opinion as you.. Because IN FACT... Muscle weight more than FAT ! so In fact.. If you're doing musculation only... Yes you're burning FAT but you gain MUSCLE, and water.. Why water ? Because muscle takes water to cure themself. ( in fact ). So for those who are doing only musculation, you should try to add a little bit of cardio. Don't be surprise if you weight more the next day it's normal . Now... It's my last word with you as the only thing you do it's wasting my time. BTW I spent over 3 000 $ in personnal trainer and they really don't worth it. They just teach me the same thing that I know...
Working nights this week so it's better for my workouts. One in the morning and one after work. Doubling up for a month and kicking my ass hard.
I have a P.T and mine is worth it his there all the time for me not just in the gym at the end of the phone . He all ways send information out via email sends workouts does group pt session for his clients only As for muscle it will make you lol leaner the more muscle you have you might weigh more but you will look better for it and I also do cardio . He weights my fat % he didn't agree with the scales it's how u feel in your clothes . Like you said your shorts size have gone down so well done
The trainer I had was a professionnal trainner for muscle competition.. But 1 times per 2 weeks wasn't enought. + the trainners are really expensive and the gym too. I think per month it's around 70 $ and you have a contract for a years. So it doesn't worth the value in my case, because I prouve them that I can do this without them =) Anyways gotta run, I'm out shopping with a ccc's folks= ) Have a great day everyone !