Call your credit card company before your trip and give them the dates you'll be out of the country. With so much credit card fraud these days, they're really quick to put a hold on your card, thinking it may have been compromised.
Already did that when we booked, they put it in there system where we would be plus out of the country. It stinks they dont take Discover, thats all we have, guess we could always use our Debit(Visa) card in case of emergency, will have to call the bank and tell them as well, guess will just have to bring plenty of singles.
Just don't use the ATM in the gift shop. We have heard of several people getting their card hacked in that machine. If you need cash there is an ATM across the street, next to the cambio, that has USD in it and we have not had a problem there.
Saturday May 16 – Fancy Temptation Night – Sheer Night – Sharon’s (atxxx) Birthday Jason and Miranda (mjborland) ...................................... May 16 – 22 Jamie
Sorry Jamie didn't see that. I just checked the calendar. Thanks!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk